All people in the world will suffer from frustration. Some things will give you a strong punch and have a wound in your heart while some are not really serious just like a slap and got pain for a while. How to recover from the pain that you got? I think “time” is the best medicine to cure your wound. As time goes by, everything will be accepted and converted into a memory which is like a treasure buried in your heart. However, “time” is just only one factor. The way you think is also the important factor. Never let yourself be trapped in the past because it will not change everything, just look forward and embrace the present and welcome the future. The circumstances you can alter is in the future not in the past. Also, being a positive thinker can lead you to get out the defeat that you encounter. Besides, you can find something worth to learn in the impact. It will help you add your life experience and mature mentally. Those methods are good guides to direct you out of the dark and lead you to the bright side.


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