Have you ever watched that documentary movie?

I recommend this movie to the people who care about the earth.

Many kind of animals are in the North Pole include polar bear, walrus, gull and so on.

Every animal have their habitual behavior. It’s very interested.

Now let me tell you what I saw.

The polar bear: independent, white feathers , strong , appearance is very quite.

The walrus: very very big and ugly , have two long tooth , always herd on the ice.

Polar bear eat walrus but the walrus eat the creatures in the sea.

It’s really making me surprise.

Now the global warming is rising so the ice in the North Pole is melt every summer.

When the winter come the ice will freeze slow year after year so all animals should need to find another place to perch.

They swim to the rock island that place is hot and not suitable to these animals.

These place is not belong to them. They belong to North Pole.

Those animals are the fist refuges in this global.

If you want to get along with this world, try to respect this world.

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